Shelburne Public LibraryShelburne Public Library

Additional Resources

Canadian Encyclopedia
The most comprehensive and authoritative source for all things Canadian.

Our Ontario
Discover our stories, our history, our Ontario. gives you credible answers from published reference works - all in one place: 49 Encyclopaedias, 73 dictionaries and thesauruses

Learn Ontario
Providing discovery and access to quality learning tutorials that will help you make the most of your digital literacy skills.








Access the Dufferin County Museum & Archives!

A partnership between Dufferin County Museum, Shelburne Public Library (SPL) and Grand Valley Public Library (GVPL) has developed to make resource materials from the Museum more accessible to the community. Dufferin County Museum houses a rich collection of books, pamphlets and resources guides used to describe and assist in ascertaining the date, background heritage, location and authenticity of early Canadian antiques and collectibles.

How do you use this new service?

  1. Go to “Our Catalogue
  2. Choose the “Advanced Search” option and select “Dufferin County and Museum Archives” in the “Limit to any of the following” section
  3. In the search box type what you are looking for and press the “Search” button
  4. Write down the Title and Call number of the item you want from the catalogue and call the library (519-925-2168) or come in to the library front desk to put in an inter-library loan request for the materials
  5. Within a few days the materials will arrive at the library and you will receive a phone call notifying you that they are available

Note: Not all materials available from the museum are allowed to leave the library and must be used on site only

This project was made possible through a Cultural Strategic Investment Fund (CSIF) Grant provided by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.